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Friday, April 19, 2013

Where have I been?

Where have I been lately? Well, before my wife and I took off for the West Coast, I was exceedingly busy. So, it came as a great relief to leave for California, but for a few hours it looked kind of doubtful that we would even get to leave, as our plane sat on the tarmac at the Oklahoma City Airport, for about two hours, as they deiced our plane, and then deiced again - over and over again. When we finally took off - it was with enormous relief. Then we got into San Francisco, and we stayed at the "Grand Hyatt" hotel, not so aptly named, which had little to recommend it aside from their little bistro restaurant. But it was a pleasant walk to the American College of Physicians annual scientific sessions. The sessions were quite good, but at the end of them, I was more than ready to leave for our vacation segment of the trip - to wine country - Napa and Sonoma. More on that in later posts, but for now, just enjoy these representative photos.


  1. Lovely pictures. I especially love #1 -- what a snug place to relax. The seashore with rocks and cliffs gives me the feeling of freedom, and these magnificent trees are simply fascinating.

    1. Oh, there are more to come. Along with explanations - but the trees are the giant Sequoias of California.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh, I was sure these were Sequoias, I always feel awe when I see these trees -- they are virtually indestructible (unless cut down), with lifespans of up to 4000 years! That's reasonable life, which makes us humans look so insignificant and miserable (I find it humiliating -- so much for our sophisticated brains).
