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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Evocation, India, Part Two

These are some more of our evocation in India photos. By way of explanation, the first, with the hauntingly beautiful little girl in her mother's lap was taken in the hallways of the major hospital in Jaipur. The second through fourth are from the Q'tub Minar complex in Delhi, each telling a different story. The last is, of course, the Taj Mahal, but taken from the Agra Fort, where the builder of the Taj was imprisoned.


  1. And thank you for visiting. I developed the site as an afterthought, for those that liked something more than the purely verbal nature of my main blog.

  2. Lovely and not so orfinary view of the Taj Mahal.
    But my heart is driven to the first one that perfectly catch emotions and beauty of the mum-daughter relationship.
    Thanks for sharing these wonders.
