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Monday, March 21, 2011

Evocation, India, Part One

India, a land of incredible contrasts, is especially ripe for photographing evocative, story telling pictures.


  1. I love it, all of them. The last one is superb.So is the first one. Actually all.

  2. I'm so glad you liked them. As you can guess there are more of them to come. I would have you notice, in the fourth picture, a couple of things. The first is that the man has only one leg, and yet is out with his two children, doing a day's work. Now, in our country, this would almost be unheard of. Then notice his eyes, and the eyes of one of his children, they are the same, and their expressions are identical, it is almost eerie.

  3. It is like travelling to India through your beautiful photos, a pure delight.
    And thanks for outlining the details on the 4th Photo - For sure each one has a story to tell.
